GPM Signs

For many years now Simplex has played a key part in the production of the metalwork element for the signs used by the World Duty Free chain of shops and is continuing to do so by supplying GPM Signs with a variety of different signage.

We have manufactured all sorts of signs ranging from simple flat trays, built up letters and logos to curved fret cut fascias with push through acrylic letters over backboxes.

GPM Signs like to do as much of the work as possible after the metalwork is done including assembly and wiring and our flexible approach to this often means they can pick up priority panels for this before the rest of the sign is complete thereby speeding up delivery time to the end customer.

Often working to short leadtimes on this project, time is of the essence, so at Simplex our “can do” attitude is appreciated and we always try to help out where we can.

If you would like to receive similar support on your next project why not give Simplex a call today?

GPM Signs
Tel: 01903 504650